Our Taxi Tours to discover the island of La Palma

Our Taxi Tours to get to know
the island of La Palma

West - Northeast Tour

Our first option to discover the new volcano of La Palma

We will go first to the already famous area of ​​Tajuya, where we will have the opportunity to see the cone of the new volcano of La Palma, the beautiful island, up close.

The next stop will take us to discover the immensity of the Caldera de Taburiente National Park, one of the most emblematic natural wonders of the island. We will continue our tour to the Insular Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Las Nieves, patron saint of the island. The Sanctuary building dating from 1646 is one of the most representative statements of Canarian religious architecture and an idyllic place to enjoy a short break and coffee in the popular Parrilla Las Nieves.

Our route continues in a north direction and during the tour we will have the opportunity to enjoy the multiple viewpoints that allow us to contemplate the mixture between the green of the laurel forest and the immensity of the ravines so characteristic of this area of ​​the island.

As a climax, we will spend a pleasant time in the popular water fall in the Los Tilos forest, a magical place straight out of a fairy tale.

We will return to the accommodation but not before discovering one of the most beautiful old cities on the island with an architecture that will transport us to another era.

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Northwest Route

Como segunda opción para descubrir la belleza de La Palma te ofrecemos un tour por la zona noroeste

Our first stop will be in La Villa and Puerto de Tazacorte, a small agricultural town surrounded by the so characteristic banana plantations that together with its picturesque buildings of multiple shades of colors make a very striking mix.

On our way northwest we will come across the mythical El Time Viewpoint, a mandatory stop to enjoy the best panoramic view we will find of the Aridane Valley.

The next break will take us to enjoy Puntagorda, a rural enclave where we will discover part of the essence of the Canary Islands that, although known for sun and sand, also have an agricultural background deeply rooted in the population , especially in the non-capital islands.

Nothing better to get to know the local products than to visit the farmer’s market of the region that opens every weekend (check schedules) and be able to enjoy both fruits and vegetables as well as local sweets and handicrafts from the region. zone.

We will continue on our way to reach Garafia, without a doubt a special place on the island of La Palma. Our first stop will be at the Gofio Interpretation Museum, an emblematic and essential product of the Canary Islands.

Next, the path will take us to the viewpoint of the port of Santo Domingo or Serradero, an idyllic place to contemplate the cliffs of the north of the island that will leave us speechless and allow us to understand a little more the geological formation of the island.

As a final point, we will walk through the old town of Santo Domingo. Capital of the municipality of Garafia and although small, it has its own character.

This route can also be combined with a visit to the La Zarza Archaeological Park.

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· Descubre La Palma en Taxi - Tours y Excursiones privadas en la Isla de La Palma

Tour of the South of the island

Our third taxi excursion will take you to discover the volcanic area of ​​La Palma

Starting from Los Llanos de Aridane, we will head south to the municipality of Fuencaliente. As a first stop, we will have a coffee at the mythical “Bar Parada”. This place in an emblem of the municipality.

Next we will visit the San Antonio volcano. Here we will be able to take the walk that will allow us to see the cone of said volcano and also as an addition we will have the possibility of taking the tour in the visitor center of said volcano (tickets not included)

After the visit, we will head towards the coast of the municipality, where we will have the opportunity to see the Salinas de Fuencaliente, a dream enclave that is still in operation.

If desired, we can organize the tour to have lunch at the Las Salinas restaurant, one of the best on the island.

Roque de Los Muchachos Tour

To contemplate the island in all its breadth, we offer you this fourth tour to the summit

The Roque de los Muchachos is one of the best-known locations on the island. With an altitude of 2,426 meters at its highest point, it is the second highest place in the Canary Islands, making it the ideal point to take a panoramic view of the island and even, with a bit of luck, we can also see Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro.

Due largely to the altitude of the place, the cleanliness of the sky and the geographical location, the Roque de los Muchachos concentrates a large number of telescopes that blend in with the environment and that we can enjoy at several stops strategies for the place.

If desired, it is possible to take a guided tour of one of the largest telescopes in the world and the flagship of the place, the Grantecan GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias).

During the way up and down to the place, we will make several stops at the different viewpoints along the way so that the journey is more bearable and the itinerary is fully exploited.

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669 988 058

· Descubre La Palma en Taxi - Tours y Excursiones privadas en la Isla de La Palma

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